
Low-code provider Ninox continues to grow and attract new investors led by Hi Inov and VI Partners

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Berlin, 27.04. 2022: Experts from the US market research institute Gartner describe “low-code” as one of the most important technology trends worldwide. SMEs with limited IT resources in particular benefit from the new opportunities to develop individual solutions for digitizing their business processes in a very short time without programming knowledge.

The Berlin-based software startup Ninox has specialized in this target group with its low-code platform of the same name and is seeing steadily growing demand from almost all industries. Construction, crafts and manufacturing industries are particularly well represented; in the areas of application, the focus is on CRM, HR and project management. Where people used to improvise with various tools and Excel spreadsheets on a departmental and task-related basis, Ninox now uses lean, cost-effective software solutions that are precisely tailored to the individual requirements of companies.

Low-code even for business-critical processes

For example, the leading prefabricated house manufacturer KAMPA organizes essential core processes, including the coordination of its construction projects, now entirely with Ninox. KNAUER, a hidden champion in scientific measurement devices, also manages its worldwide sales activities with a Ninox solution. In both cases, the solution was largely developed in-house. Employees from the relevant specialist departments were actively involved in the development process.
IT specialist Frank Böhmer had exactly such scenarios in mind when he founded Ninox in 2013: “Companies are faced with the choice of either using inflexible standard software or investing in expensive, lengthy in-house developments with uncertain results. I wanted to change that with Ninox and create a system that is so easy to learn that end users in the company could use it to develop their own solutions — without programming knowledge and long training periods. ”

Implement digitization projects in SMEs even faster

And Ninox wants to make it even easier for companies to implement their own digitization projects in the future. The Ninox Industry Kits are under development: industry-specific and task-specific templates that companies can easily adapt to their processes in order to achieve their individual solution even faster. In addition, the existing network of partners is also to be expanded, who support customers with qualified services in initializing or implementing their Ninox projects.

In view of the high backlog in the digitization of medium-sized companies in the DACH region, this strategy is also convincing investors. With Hi Inov and VI Partners, two renowned VC investors were brought on board, who are financing the growth course together with existing investors in the amount of 8 million euros. The existing investors around the btov Industrial Tech Fund and IBB Ventures, as well as the founders, will remain involved.

Investors see great growth potential

“Ninox is already an excellent product with great customer benefits. Concentrating on the needs of medium-sized companies and dedicated verticalization will give a further boost to business development,” says Wolfgang Krause from Hi Inov, explaining the commitment. And Joe Neale from VI Partners adds: “The market for low-code platforms is growing rapidly. We are convinced that Ninox will not only be able to assert itself, but will also be able to expand its good position internationally. ”

The btov Industrial Tech Fund and in 2020 IBB Ventures had already committed themselves to Ninox and contributed to the expansion of the low-code platform to a successful solution for SMEs. With the new investment, Ninox can now take the next big step, further optimize its product and significantly increase market shares in the DACH region, and later also in Western Europe and North America.

About Hi Inov

Hi Inov - Hands-on Venture Capital from Entrepreneurs to Entrepreneurs
Hi Inov was founded in 2013 by Pierre-Henri Dentressangle and Valérie Gombart and is a pan-European B2B venture capital fund from entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs with offices in Paris and Munich. Hi Inov supports outstanding, fast-growing start-ups that are changing the industrial and service landscape with their innovative digital technologies. The team and its network support portfolio companies from the initial beginnings to market leadership in their sector. The portfolio includes 360 Learning, AgoraPulse, Datahawk, Deepki, Intercloud, Per Angusta,, C4T and Styla.

About VI Partners

VI Partners | Home - VI Partners
VI Partners was founded more than 20 years ago as the first venture capital company in Switzerland and has been investing in innovative companies in the fields of technology and healthcare ever since. During this time, VI Partners has successfully invested over 250 million Swiss francs in more than 50 companies. VI Partners initially acted as an advisor to the Venture Incubator Fund, an investment vehicle founded by 10 Swiss blue chip companies. And recently, it launched the VI Partners Swiss Innovation Fund.

About the btov Industrial Technologies Fund

Matterwave Ventures — European VC backing hardware and software companies in the industrial technologies space
btov Industrial Technologies is a VC fund managed by the former btov Industrial Technologies — now Matterwave Ventures — team and focuses on early-stage European industrial hardware and software companies to build world-leading companies. The focus is on solutions that shape the future of industrial value creation with the help of software and hardware innovations — from materials and components to systems and software. The team supports portfolio companies with genuine interest in their products, in-depth market knowledge, strong industry contacts and unparalleled investment experience in this sector. With a fund volume of EUR 100 million, btov Industrial Technologies typically participates in seed and Series A investment rounds across Europe with initial investments of between EUR 1-3 million, including follow-up financing rounds, up to EUR 10 million can be invested per portfolio company.

About IBB Ventures

Home | IBB Ventures
IBB Ventures has been providing venture capital for innovative Berlin companies since 1997 and has established itself as the market leader in early-stage financing in Berlin. The funds are primarily used for the development and market launch of innovative products or services as well as for business concepts in the creative industries. Two funds with a total volume of 122 million euros are currently in the investment phase. Both VC funds are financed by Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), managed by the State of Berlin. IBB Ventures has already invested in more than 260 Berlin-based creative and technology companies; in consortia with partners, the startups received more than 1.7 billion euros, of which IBB Ventures has invested more than 250 million euros as lead, co-lead or co-investor. IBB Ventures is the umbrella brand for the VC activities of IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft. Low-code platforms are intended to accelerate the much-vaunted digitization of SMEs. With more than 6,500 customers worldwide and high double-digit growth rates, Ninox is one of the leading providers in the DACH region. To sustainably implement its further growth strategy, the Berlin-based startup has now brought two more well-known European VC investors on board: Hi Inov and VI Partners.

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