Digitalize innovatively together

In a constantly changing world, we believe in the transformative power of low-code. Designing, digitizing and optimizing individual processes is the key to success. But this requires experts who not only understand the technology, but also the challenges of various industries. This is where our partners come in.

Low-code power with Ninox and Solution Partners

Partners are an essential part of Ninox and that The heart of our long-term corporate strategy. They accompany entire industries on their way into the digital future — based on Ninox. Our diverse partners not only create tailor-made solutions, but also offer comprehensive advice, process optimization and support in the growth of other companies so that they can concentrate on their core business.

Comprehensive advice

Individual solutions

Long-term support

With Ninox, you have the choice: develop your own application or get support from our specialized partners. No matter how complex your company is — together with our partners and our low-code platform Ninox, you can digitize your processes in no time at all.

Our partners are as diverse as our customers


Do you need help with your project? Our partners offer these benefits.

Advice from experts

Our partners are experts in their fields. They know the industry, the challenges and the processes. They do not blindly develop software, but provide you with comprehensive advice.

Zwei Mitarbeiter unterhalten sich darüber, ein eigene Software mit Ninox und Partnern zu entwickeln.
Eine Frau tippt am Computer und sucht nach einem passenden Partner für Ihre Realisierung mit Ninox.

Implementation in just a few days

Many of our partners have already developed solutions or specific modules. This way, you don't have to start from scratch and save time when implementing your project.

Support for the future

Our partners are your personal contacts in case of problems or adjustments. Together with Ninox Support, you get expert assistance.

Ein Geschäftsmann lächelt sein Telefon an, weil er die Vorteile einer Partnerschaft mit Ninox sieht.

Do you want to develop solutions for customers with Ninox? We offer you these benefits.

Ein Mann steht in einem hellen Büro und sieht sich die Vorteile von einer Ninox-Partnerschaft auf dem Tablet an.

Projects with vision

With Ninox, you can efficiently drive forward the digitization of business processes. Exciting projects from your industry await you, which you can usually supervise over the long term.

Implement solutions quickly

Ninox is a powerful low-code platform with enterprise functionality and certified security architecture. This allows you to concentrate fully on developing customer solutions and benefit from templates and modules for even faster project implementation.

Zwei Kolleginnen sitzen im Büro und reden darüber, mit einem Ninox-Partner Lösungen zu entwickeln.
Zwei Männer in Anzügen freuen sich über die Marketing-Kampagnen, die sie als Ninox-Partner erhalten.

Marketing assistance

Ninox is the fastest way to set up your own SaaS business. We support you with numerous marketing measures to set up or expand your company.