Digitize the energy industry sustainably

From customer communication to project planning —everything in one central database. Do not only rely on sustainable energies, but also on future-proof and efficient project management.

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These companies from the industry rely on Ninox

Digital, efficient and flexible

No more Excel chaos, no more paperwork: Automate all processes related to project planning, installation and operation of power supply systems with Ninox and increase your order volume within just a few weeks.

Efficient automation

Create quotes, profitability and payback calculations quickly —and paperless.

More reliability in planning

Increase supply chain predictability through digital warehouse management.

Better accessibility

Keep an eye on all sales and project processes on all devices —from the inquiry to the PV installation.

Missed a webinar?

Mann prüft eine Metallprodukt in der Fertigung

Click here for the on-demand video

In this webinar, you will learn, using examples from everyday manufacturing, how you can automate processes quickly and easily with a flexible, customized MES solution based on Ninox.

This is what you will learn in this webinar:

  • Clear dashboard for Order preparation and control center
  • replacement of manual processes in detailed planning
  • Better Predictability in the supply chain

Keep your projects under control

Start now with templates: With just a few clicks, you can flexibly adapt your forms, views or diagrams to your requirements and create a customized solution for your company.

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With Ninox you build exactly what you need. Get started today!

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