Discover your perfect plan

Whether you're an individual, a team, or a company, choose the
perfect plan for your needs.
Ideal for individuals looking to develop and share simple solutions.
per user/month
Annual billing
plus VAT
Try it for 30 days
no credit card required
  • Cloud-based software
  • Unlimited workspaces, databases, tables
  • Automatic back-ups
  • Interface to other tools
  • Low-code script automations
  • Hosting in the EU
  • ISO 27001 and 9001 certification
  • 1GB storage space per user
  • Access to support forum
  • limited to 100 users
For small teams that need more flexibility and additional features.
per user/month
Annual billing
plus VAT
Try it for 30 days
no credit card required
  • Cloud-based software
  • Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables
  • Automatic & manual back-ups
  • Interface to other tools
  • Low-code script automations
  • Hosting in the EU
  • ISO 27001 and 9001 certification
  • 2GB storage space per user
  • individual support via email
  • E-Rechnungen erstellen und empfangen
  • Unlimited change history
  • Views like GANTT, Pivot, and more
  • Generate PDF documents
  • User-defined roles
  • Role-based access control
  • limited to 100 users
Perfect for larger teams and companies that want more security and customization.
Starting at €30,00
From $36.00
From £30,00
Starting at CHF30,00
per user/month
Annual billing
plus VAT
Everything from Professional, plus
Exclusive private cloud environment just for you
  • Hosting of data on servers in Germany with a German provider
  • Own infrastructure for optimal performance
Unlimited scale and integration
  • Unlimited number of users, workspaces, and data sets
  • 5GB storage space per user
  • Modular connection and seamless integration of additional databases
  • Limitless communication with other applications via API access
Data security at the highest level
  • Configurable security policies for passwords and sessions
  • Restricted role-level API access
Powerful communication
  • Send and receive emails via your own SMTP mail server
  • SQL connector for connecting MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
  • Unlimited number of records and automatically sent emails
World-class premium support
  • Individual support via email with quick response times
  • Onboarding assistance from a Ninox expert
Individual user and system management
  • Fully configurable user and access rights
  • Advanced PDF creation options with Carbone
  • Own user management system and extended admin options
Ninox HR
Discover the power of enterprise combined with a powerful HR solution.
per user/month
A base price of €30/month is applied.
Annual billing
plus VAT
  • Pre-installed personnel software that is immediately ready for use
  • Absences and vacation management
  • Time recording and calendar function
  • Digital personnel files with all master data
  • Preparatory payroll with export
  • Individual adjustments to your HR processes
  • Flexibly expandable for growing teams
  • Compliance with GDPR guidelines
  • Secure hosting on servers in Germany
  • Comprehensive onboarding and premium support
  • An ideal introduction to all enterprise options
* Offer valid until 31.12.2024 for the first year, then 8€ per user/month.
Ninox HR
Entdecken Sie die Power von Enterprise in Kombination mit einer starken HR-Lösung.
pro Nutzer/Monat
Ein Grundpreis von €30/Monat wird angewendet.
Jährliche Abrechnung
zzgl. Mwst.
  • Vorinstallierte Personalsoftware, die sofort einsatzbereit ist
  • Abwesenheiten und Urlaubsmanagement
  • Zeiterfassung und Kalenderfunktion
  • Digitale Personalakte mit allen Stammdaten
  • Vorbereitende Lohnbuchhaltung mit Export
  • Individuelle Anpassungen an Ihre HR-Prozesse
  • Flexibel erweiterbar für wachsende Teams
  • Einhaltung der DSGVO-Richtlinien
  • Sicheres Hosting auf Servern in Deutschland
  • Ausführliches Onboarding und Premium-Support
  • Idealer Einstieg zu allen Enterprise-Möglichkeiten
Suitable for individuals who want to develop and share simple solutions.
per user/month
Billed annually
plus VAT
30-day trial
no credit card required
  • Cloud-based software
  • Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables
  • Automatic backups
  • API integration to other tools
  • Low-code script automations
  • Hosting in the EU
  • Certified according to ISO 27001 and 9001 & GDPR compliance
  • 1GB storage per user
  • Access to support forum
  • * limited to 100 users
For small teams needing more flexibility and additional features.
per user/month
Billed annually
plus VAT
30-day trial
no credit card required
  • Cloud-based software
  • Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables
  • Automatic & manual backups
  • API integration to other tools
  • Low-code script automations
  • Hosting in the EU
  • Certified according to ISO 27001 and 9001
  • 2GB storage per user
  • Individual support via email
  • Unlimited change history
  • Views like GANTT, pivot, and more
  • PDF document generation
  • Custom roles
  • Role-based access control
  • * limited to 100 users
Perfect for larger teams and companies wanting advanced security and customizations.
Starting at €30,00
From $36.00
From £30,00
From Fr30,00
per user/month
Billed annually
plus VAT
Exclusive Private Cloud Environment Just for You
  • International hosting providers with local servers for your data
  • Own infrastructure for optimal performance
Unlimited scale and integration
  • Unlimited workspaces, database and tables
  • 5GB storage per user
  • Modular linking and seamless integration of additional databases
  • Unlimited communication with other applications via API access
Top-Level Data Security
  • Configurable security policies for passwords and sessions
  • Restricted API access at role level
Powerful Communication
  • Send and receive emails via your own SMTP mail server
  • SQL connector for connecting MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
  • Unlimited number of records and automatically sent emails
First-Class Premium Support
  • Individual support via email with fast response times
  • Onboarding assistance by a Ninox expert
Customised User and System Management
  • Customisable user access rights
  • Advanced PDF creation with Carbone
  • Comprehensive administration and deployment capabilities
  • Advanced server administration tools
Geeignet für Einzelpersonen, die einfache Lösungen entwickeln und teilen möchten.
pro Nutzer/Monat
Jährliche Abrechnung
zzgl. Mwst.
30 Tage testen
keine Kreditkarte erforderlich
  • Cloud-basierte Software
  • Unbegrenzt Arbeitsbereiche, Datenbanken, Tabellen
  • Schnittstelle zu anderen Tools
  • Skript-basierte Automatisierungen
  • Hosting in der EU
  • 1GB Speicherplatz pro Nutzer
  • Zugang zu Support-Forum
  • Zugang zu Support-Forum
  • Zugang zu Support-Forum
  • begrenzt auf 100 Nutzer
Für kleine Teams, die mehr Flexibilität und zusätzliche Funktionen benötigen.
pro Nutzer/Monat
Jährliche Abrechnung
zzgl. Mwst.
30 Tage  testen
keine Kreditkarte erforderlich
  • Cloud-basierte Software
  • Unbegrenzte Arbeitsbereiche, Datenbanken und Tabellen
  • Automatische & manuelle Back-ups
  • Schnittstelle zu anderen Tools
  • Skript-basierte Automatisierungen
  • Hosting in der EU
  • 2GB Speicherplatz pro Nutzer
  • individueller Support via E-Mail
  • Änderungen unbegrenzt einsehbar
  • Views wie Karten, Pivot und mehr
  • Benutzerdefinierte Rollen
  • Rollenbasierte Zugriffsberechtigungen
  • Rollenbasierte Zugriffsberechtigungen
  • Rollenbasierte Zugriffsberechtigungen
  • begrenzt auf 100 Nutzer
Perfekt für größere Teams und Unternehmen, die erweiterte Sicherheit und individuelle Anpassungen wollen.
Ab €30,00
From $36.00
From £30.00
Ab Fr30,00
pro Nutzer/Monat
Jährliche Abrechnung
zzgl. Mwst.
Exklusive private Cloud-Umgebung nur für Sie
  • Hosting der Daten auf Servern in Deutschland bei einem deutschen Anbieter
  • Eigene Infrastruktur für optimale Performance
Unbegrenzte Skalierung und Integration
  • Unbegrenzte Anzahl an Nutzern, Arbeitsbereichen und Datensätzen
  • 5GB Speicherplatz pro Nutzer
  • Nahtlose Verknüpfung von weiteren Datenbanken
  • Grenzenlose Kommunikation mit anderen Anwendungen via API-Zugang
Datensicherheit auf höchstem Niveau
  • Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit Hilfe von Identity-Providern
  • Erweiterte Einstellungen für Passwörter, Datenverschlüsselung und Back-Ups
Erstklassiger Premium-Support
  • Antwortzeit von maximal 24 Stunden auf Support-Anfragen an Werktagen
  • Individuelle Unterstützung beim Onboarding
  • Individuelle Unterstützung beim Onboarding
Leistungsstarke Kommunikation
  • E-Mails versenden und empfangen über den eigenen SMTP-Mail-Server
  • SQL-Connector für Big Data Use Cases
Individuelle Benutzer- und Systemverwaltung
  • Voll konfigurierbare Nutzer- und Zugriffsrechte
  • Höhere Limits für flexibel anpassbare Dokumentenerstellung
  • Eigenes User-Management-System zur erleichterten Nutzerverwaltung

Maximize your options with our enterprise extensions

Ninox CRM
The individually customizable complete solution for customer relationships, offers and more.
plus VAT
Ninox HR
A flexible solution for all your HR processes — from absenteeism to time recording.
plus VAT
*Offer is only valid until 31.12.2024
Ninox HR
Eine flexible Lösung für all Ihre Personalprozesse - von Abwesenheit bis Zeiterfassung.
zzgl. MwSt.
Individual server configuration
We customize your servers with options for storage, RAM, CPU, and other settings.
Secure server location
Choose from various providers with international locations, such as in Germany.
Authentication selected
Enhance login privacy with SSO: OIDC, ADDS, and SAML.
Additional license types
Build scalable solutions for all users of your application:
  • Read-only license
  • Restricted Access Licenses
Flexible storage
Adjust the size of the storage to suit your needs at an additional cost.
Ninox CRM
The fully customizable solution for customer relationships, quotes, and more.
plus VAT
Secure Server Location
Choose from international hosting providers with secure servers in the UK, the EU including Germany.
Custom Server Configuration
We individually configure your servers with options for storage, RAM, CPU, and other settings.
Selected Authentication
Choose how your users sign in and extend data protection with SSO: SAML, OIDC and ADDS.
Flexible Storage
Adjust the size of storage to your needs for an additional fee.
Additional license types
Build scalable solutions for all users of your application:
  • Read-only license
  • Restricted Access Licenses
Ninox CRM
Perfect for individuals looking to build and share small business applications.
(up to 500 users)
Sicherer Server-Standort
Wählen Sie aus verschiedenen Anbietern mit internationalen Standorten wie z.B. in Deutschland.
Individuelle Server­konfiguration
Wir richten Ihre Server individuell mit Optionen für Speicher, RAM, CPU und weiteren Einstellungen ein.
Ausgewählte Authentifizierung
Wählen Sie, wie sich Ihre Nutzer anmelden und erweitern Sie den Datenschutz mit Single Sign-On (SSO):
Flexibler Speicherplatz
Passen Sie die Größe des Speichers gegen Aufpreis auf Ihre Bedürfnisse an.
Zusätzliche Lizenztypen
Erstellen Sie skalierbare Lösungen für alle Nutzer Ihrer Anwendung:
  • Read-Only-Lizenz
  • Lizenzen mit eingeschränktem Zugriff
Compare all features
Core Features (Values apply per instance with the exception of storage space per license)
Workspaces, Databases, Tables
Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables – fully linkable and customisable.
Templates for time tracking, inventory, invoices and many more – ready to use and fully customisable.
Records per Database
Importing and Exporting Data
Import data in CSV format and export to CSV, Excel, or Ninox file formats. Ninox file formats are supported on native apps, while CSV and Excel work on all platforms.
Document Creation — Basic Layouts
Create PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, in a simple layout from the data in your tables.
Document Creation — Advanced Layouts
Create highly customized PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, from your table data – with options for page breaks, custom colors, and advanced layouts. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Combine multiple databases into one solution.
App for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android
Apps also work without an internet connection.
Hosting Environment
Payment method
Storage Space per User
Total storage is calculated as follows: GB multiplied by the number of licences purchased. Example: 7 Professional licences = 14 GB of storage.
Collaboration and Customisation
Real-Time Synchronization
Multiple users can work simultaneously in a database with instant updates for everyone.
Customisable Workspaces
Add your logo and a custom colour palette in your corporate colours to your workspaces.
Customisable Data Views
Views give you different ways to display your data. This allows you to look at your data from different angles.
Customisable Forms
Enter your data in clear forms rather than tables.
Sharable Links
Users can share public links to specific views, allowing others to access and explore the data in various the data in various formats.
Security and Privacy
GDPR Compliance
Data processing agreement available upon request.
SSL/TLS Encryption
Available in 2048 bit.
Change History
Automatic Backups
Automatically created backups are available for the appropriate number of days.
Manual Backups
Create or download manual backups at any time.
Disaster Recovery
In the event of a disaster, the maximum loss of data (RPO) is only 6 hours and the system can be recovered within 48 hours (RTO). Enterprise plan: Create regular encrypted backups at separate locations, ensuring you can recover data and restore functionality in case of disaster.
Identity and Access Management
User Roles
The following default user roles are available: Admin, Editor.
Role-Based Access Permissions
Access rights within the solution can be linked to roles at the table and field level. You can even define access rights.
Custom Password Policy
Options include: upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters, minimum length, previous passwords restriction, password expiration.
Custom Account & Session Limits
Options include: set session duration, time of inactivity or number of login attempts, automatic logout.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Integrations and Automation
API Calls per Month
This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Integration Platforms (e.g., Zapier, Make, n8n)
Event Triggers and Script-Based Automation
Set up event triggers and automate actions based on different events, like creating or updating a record. For example, send an email when a new record is added or write custom scripts to automate complex workflows.
Send Email Limits per Month
Send customized emails directly from the platform by defining the subject, body, and recipients. Monthly limits apply based on your subscription plan. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Custom SMTP Mail Server
Your options: Host (DNS name), Port, Username, Password and BCC.
SQL Server Connections
SQL connector for connecting to MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
Performance and Infrastructure
Monitoring of Background Processes
Monitor all background processes to gain insights into the performance of your databases and optimize workflows.
Server Region
Enterprise Plan: Choose from a range of providers with international locations, such as in Germany.
Uptime Guarantee
Webinars and Online Q&A Sessions
Get the most out of Ninox with regular webinars, tutorials and comprehensive online materials.
Community Forum
Email Support
Premium Support
Premium Support gives you fast access to our live support via video call with a Ninox expert. Your support requests will be prioritised and answered quickly. We also provide comprehensive onboarding support to help you get the most out of Ninox.
Free of charge
Ninox Public Cloud (Shared)
Credit card, PayPal, direct debit on Verifone/2Co portal
Table, Form, Chart, Kanban
30 days
30 days
Standard (Fixed)
Servers located in the EU
Public cloud
Free of charge
Ninox Public Cloud (Shared)
Credit card, PayPal, direct debit on Verifone/2Co portal
Table, Form, Chart, Cards, Kanban, GANTT, Pivot
30 days
Standard + Customizable
Databases, Tables, Records
Servers located in the EU
Private cloud
(Limit increase possible)
Free of charge
Ninox Private Cloud (Dedicated Server, Custom Location)
Invoice (30-day payment term)
5GB (more on request)
Table, Form, Chart, Cards, Kanban, GANTT, Pivot
60 days
Standard + Customizable
Databases, Tables, Records
5€ per user/month
ISO 27001 certified Server locations at your choice
Core Features (Values apply per instance with the exception of storage space per license)
Workspaces, Databases, Tables
Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables – fully linkable and customisable.
Templates for time tracking, inventory, invoices and many more – ready to use and fully customisable.
Records per Database
Importing and Exporting Data
Import data in CSV format and export to CSV, Excel, or Ninox file formats. Ninox file formats are supported on native apps, while CSV and Excel work on all platforms.
Document Creation — Basic Layouts
Create PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, in a simple layout from the data in your tables.
Document Creation — Advanced Layouts
Create highly customized PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, from your table data – with options for page breaks, custom colors, and advanced layouts. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Combine multiple databases into one solution.
App for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android
Apps also work without an internet connection.
Hosting Environment
Payment method
Storage Space per User
Total storage is calculated as follows: GB multiplied by the number of licences purchased. Example: 7 Professional licences = 14 GB of storage.
Collaboration and Customisation
Real-Time Synchronization
Multiple users can work simultaneously in a database with instant updates for everyone.
Customisable Workspaces
Add your logo and a custom colour palette in your corporate colours to your workspaces.
Customisable Data Views
Views give you different ways to display your data. This allows you to look at your data from different angles.
Customisable Forms
Enter your data in clear forms rather than tables.
Sharable Links
Users can share public links to specific views, allowing others to access and explore the data in various the data in various formats.
Security and Privacy
GDPR Compliance
Data processing agreement available upon request.
SSL/TLS Encryption
Available in 2048 bit.
Change History
Automatic Backups
Automatically created backups are available for the appropriate number of days.
Manual Backups
Create or download manual backups at any time.
Disaster Recovery
In the event of a disaster, the maximum loss of data (RPO) is only 6 hours and the system can be recovered within 48 hours (RTO). Enterprise plan: Create regular encrypted backups at separate locations, ensuring you can recover data and restore functionality in case of disaster.
Identity and Access Management
User Roles
The following default user roles are available: Admin, Editor.
Role-Based Access Permissions
Access rights within the solution can be linked to roles at the table and field level. You can even define access rights.
Custom Password Policy
Options include: upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters, minimum length, previous passwords restriction, password expiration.
Custom Account & Session Limits
Options include: set session duration, time of inactivity or number of login attempts, automatic logout.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Integrations and Automation
API Calls per Month
This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Integration Platforms (e.g., Zapier, Make, n8n)
Event Triggers and Script-Based Automation
Set up event triggers and automate actions based on different events, like creating or updating a record. For example, send an email when a new record is added or write custom scripts to automate complex workflows.
Send Email Limits per Month
Send customized emails directly from the platform by defining the subject, body, and recipients. Monthly limits apply based on your subscription plan. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Custom SMTP Mail Server
Your options: Host (DNS name), Port, Username, Password and BCC.
SQL Server Connections
SQL connector for connecting to MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
Performance and Infrastructure
Monitoring of Background Processes
Monitor all background processes to gain insights into the performance of your databases and optimize workflows.
Server Region
Enterprise Plan: Choose from a range of providers with international locations, such as in Germany.
Uptime Guarantee
Webinars and Online Q&A Sessions
Get the most out of Ninox with regular webinars, tutorials and comprehensive online materials.
Community Forum
Email Support
Premium Support
Premium Support gives you fast access to our live support via video call with a Ninox expert. Your support requests will be prioritised and answered quickly. We also provide comprehensive onboarding support to help you get the most out of Ninox.
Free of charge
Ninox Public Cloud (Shared)
Credit card, PayPal, direct debit on Verifone/2Co portal
Table, Form, Chart, Kanban
30 days
30 days
Standard (Fixed)
Servers located in the EU
Core Features (Values apply per instance with the exception of storage space per license)
Workspaces, Databases, Tables
Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables – fully linkable and customisable.
Templates for time tracking, inventory, invoices and many more – ready to use and fully customisable.
Records per Database
Importing and Exporting Data
Import data in CSV format and export to CSV, Excel, or Ninox file formats. Ninox file formats are supported on native apps, while CSV and Excel work on all platforms.
Document Creation — Basic Layouts
Create PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, in a simple layout from the data in your tables.
Document Creation — Advanced Layouts
Create highly customized PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, from your table data – with options for page breaks, custom colors, and advanced layouts. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Combine multiple databases into one solution.
App for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android
Apps also work without an internet connection.
Hosting Environment
Payment method
Storage Space per User
Total storage is calculated as follows: GB multiplied by the number of licences purchased. Example: 7 Professional licences = 14 GB of storage.
Collaboration and Customisation
Real-Time Synchronization
Multiple users can work simultaneously in a database with instant updates for everyone.
Customisable Workspaces
Add your logo and a custom colour palette in your corporate colours to your workspaces.
Customisable Data Views
Views give you different ways to display your data. This allows you to look at your data from different angles.
Customisable Forms
Enter your data in clear forms rather than tables.
Sharable Links
Users can share public links to specific views, allowing others to access and explore the data in various the data in various formats.
Security and Privacy
GDPR Compliance
Data processing agreement available upon request.
SSL/TLS Encryption
Available in 2048 bit.
Change History
Automatic Backups
Automatically created backups are available for the appropriate number of days.
Manual Backups
Create or download manual backups at any time.
Disaster Recovery
In the event of a disaster, the maximum loss of data (RPO) is only 6 hours and the system can be recovered within 48 hours (RTO). Enterprise plan: Create regular encrypted backups at separate locations, ensuring you can recover data and restore functionality in case of disaster.
Identity and Access Management
User Roles
The following default user roles are available: Admin, Editor.
Role-Based Access Permissions
Access rights within the solution can be linked to roles at the table and field level. You can even define access rights.
Custom Password Policy
Options include: upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters, minimum length, previous passwords restriction, password expiration.
Custom Account & Session Limits
Options include: set session duration, time of inactivity or number of login attempts, automatic logout.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Integrations and Automation
API Calls per Month
This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Integration Platforms (e.g., Zapier, Make, n8n)
Event Triggers and Script-Based Automation
Set up event triggers and automate actions based on different events, like creating or updating a record. For example, send an email when a new record is added or write custom scripts to automate complex workflows.
Send Email Limits per Month
Send customized emails directly from the platform by defining the subject, body, and recipients. Monthly limits apply based on your subscription plan. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Custom SMTP Mail Server
Your options: Host (DNS name), Port, Username, Password and BCC.
SQL Server Connections
SQL connector for connecting to MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
Performance and Infrastructure
Monitoring of Background Processes
Monitor all background processes to gain insights into the performance of your databases and optimize workflows.
Server Region
Enterprise Plan: Choose from a range of providers with international locations, such as in Germany.
Uptime Guarantee
Webinars and Online Q&A Sessions
Get the most out of Ninox with regular webinars, tutorials and comprehensive online materials.
Community Forum
Email Support
Premium Support
Premium Support gives you fast access to our live support via video call with a Ninox expert. Your support requests will be prioritised and answered quickly. We also provide comprehensive onboarding support to help you get the most out of Ninox.
Public cloud
Free of charge
Ninox Public Cloud (Shared)
Credit card, PayPal, direct debit on Verifone/2Co portal
Table, Form, Chart, Cards, Kanban, GANTT, Pivot
30 days
Standard + Customizable
Databases, Tables, Records
Servers located in the EU
Core Features (Values apply per instance with the exception of storage space per license)
Workspaces, Databases, Tables
Unlimited workspaces, databases, and tables – fully linkable and customisable.
Templates for time tracking, inventory, invoices and many more – ready to use and fully customisable.
Records per Database
Importing and Exporting Data
Import data in CSV format and export to CSV, Excel, or Ninox file formats. Ninox file formats are supported on native apps, while CSV and Excel work on all platforms.
Document Creation — Basic Layouts
Create PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, in a simple layout from the data in your tables.
Document Creation — Advanced Layouts
Create highly customized PDF documents, such as invoices or quotes, from your table data – with options for page breaks, custom colors, and advanced layouts. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Combine multiple databases into one solution.
App for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android
Apps also work without an internet connection.
Hosting Environment
Payment method
Storage Space per User
Total storage is calculated as follows: GB multiplied by the number of licences purchased. Example: 7 Professional licences = 14 GB of storage.
Collaboration and Customisation
Real-Time Synchronization
Multiple users can work simultaneously in a database with instant updates for everyone.
Customisable Workspaces
Add your logo and a custom colour palette in your corporate colours to your workspaces.
Customisable Data Views
Views give you different ways to display your data. This allows you to look at your data from different angles.
Customisable Forms
Enter your data in clear forms rather than tables.
Sharable Links
Users can share public links to specific views, allowing others to access and explore the data in various the data in various formats.
Security and Privacy
GDPR Compliance
Data processing agreement available upon request.
SSL/TLS Encryption
Available in 2048 bit.
Change History
Automatic Backups
Automatically created backups are available for the appropriate number of days.
Manual Backups
Create or download manual backups at any time.
Disaster Recovery
In the event of a disaster, the maximum loss of data (RPO) is only 6 hours and the system can be recovered within 48 hours (RTO). Enterprise plan: Create regular encrypted backups at separate locations, ensuring you can recover data and restore functionality in case of disaster.
Identity and Access Management
User Roles
The following default user roles are available: Admin, Editor.
Role-Based Access Permissions
Access rights within the solution can be linked to roles at the table and field level. You can even define access rights.
Custom Password Policy
Options include: upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters, minimum length, previous passwords restriction, password expiration.
Custom Account & Session Limits
Options include: set session duration, time of inactivity or number of login attempts, automatic logout.
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Integrations and Automation
API Calls per Month
This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Integration Platforms (e.g., Zapier, Make, n8n)
Event Triggers and Script-Based Automation
Set up event triggers and automate actions based on different events, like creating or updating a record. For example, send an email when a new record is added or write custom scripts to automate complex workflows.
Send Email Limits per Month
Send customized emails directly from the platform by defining the subject, body, and recipients. Monthly limits apply based on your subscription plan. This feature is based exclusively on the plan type and does not scale with the number of licenses.
Custom SMTP Mail Server
Your options: Host (DNS name), Port, Username, Password and BCC.
SQL Server Connections
SQL connector for connecting to MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases
Performance and Infrastructure
Monitoring of Background Processes
Monitor all background processes to gain insights into the performance of your databases and optimize workflows.
Server Region
Enterprise Plan: Choose from a range of providers with international locations, such as in Germany.
Uptime Guarantee
Webinars and Online Q&A Sessions
Get the most out of Ninox with regular webinars, tutorials and comprehensive online materials.
Community Forum
Email Support
Premium Support
Premium Support gives you fast access to our live support via video call with a Ninox expert. Your support requests will be prioritised and answered quickly. We also provide comprehensive onboarding support to help you get the most out of Ninox.
Private cloud
(Limit increase possible)
Free of charge
Ninox Private Cloud (Dedicated Server, Custom Location)
Invoice (30-day payment term)
5GB (more on request)
Table, Form, Chart, Cards, Kanban, GANTT, Pivot
60 days
Standard + Customizable
Databases, Tables, Records
5€ per user/month
ISO 27001 certified Server locations at your choice
Ninox On-Premises
If you need a self-hosted solution, we can provide a Ninox installation, though it will not offer the full range of features.
per user/month
Annual billing/
from 10 users
plus VAT


Purchase a new subscription

What price plans does Ninox offer and who are they suitable for?

Starter: This plan is mainly suitable for individuals who want to independently build a solution with a limited level of complexity. You will find all the essential features to create your own business applications. The platform can accommodate up to 99 users (excluding the owner), with the option of adding users independently. Additional users can be added on request.

Professional: This plan is suitable for small teams who need a more comprehensive set of features and greater flexibility than those offered by the Starter plan. Among other functions, you receive personalised support by e-mail as well as access to user-defined roles and access restrictions. The platform can accommodate up to 99 users (excluding the owner), with the option of adding users independently. Additional users can be added on request.

Enterprise: This plan is ideal for larger teams and companies that value additional security and customisation options. Your data is stored on a private cloud server. You can also expect more settings to develop the perfect company application. In comparison to the Pro and Starter plans, the majority of the limitations are no longer applicable. Furthermore, premium support is now included. Additionally, a variety of extensions are available for purchase, including a robust HR or CRM tool, which may incur an additional cost. Enterprise starts with 10 licences.

Ninox CRM: Ninox CRM is a user-friendly platform for managing your customer relationships. You can add this module to your Enterprise plan free of charge. Simply speak to our sales team.

Is there a free trial version?

You can test Ninox free of charge and without obligation for 30 days. You do not have to enter any payment details for the trial subscription. Please note that the trial subscription is only available for the Starter and Professional price plans. Simply click on the corresponding button at the top of this page to start directly.

If you would like to test Enterprise or Ninox CRM please contact our sales team.

What payment methods are available? Are there any hidden costs?

We will inform you transparently about all costs before they are incurred.

With Starter and Professional, you book your licences directly (in self-service) and pay via our partner and merchant of record Verifone/2checkout by

- credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover),
- instant bank transfer (Klarna) or
- SEPA direct debit.

The trial subscription is valid for 30 days and is free of charge. There are no other hidden costs.

With Enterprise, you will receive an invoice from us with a payment term of 30 days. Depending on the choice of various Enterprise extensions, such as a special server location, additional costs may be incurred.  

Can I cancel my plan at any time?

The term of our plans is 12 months, with the payment of the annual licence fee in advance. You can cancel at any time with a notice period of 30 days before the end of the 12 months. To do so, please send an e-mail to However, you can also cancel in letter form.

The free trial subscription simply expires after 30 days and is not automatically converted into a paid plan.  

Are there special conditions for non-profit organisations or educational institutions?

We offer special conditions for non-profit organisations (NGOs) and educational institutions such as universities, schools, etc. Please contact our support team at, who will be happy to help you.

Upgrade your subscription and add licenses

How do I add more licences to a current subscription?

Log in to the Ninox software and click on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner. Select Ninox settings and then the Subscriptions tab on the left. Here you can book additional licences.

You will be redirected to our partner and merchant of record Verifone/2checkout. You can then invite other members to Ninox.

How many licenses do I need for my team in the Starter or Professional plan?

Every invited user in a workspace under the Starter or Professional plan requires a license, regardless of their role in the team. There are two ways a user can be licensed:

Option 1: Through the subscription of the team owner:

The team owner can extend their subscription to cover a specific number of users. This number determines how many members without their own subscription are licensed in the owner’s workspaces.

- Example: If the team owner has a subscription for two users, this means they themselves and one additional team member are covered by this subscription.

- All invited users without their own subscription are compared to the number of licenses included in the owner’s subscription. If more users are invited than the subscription covers, the team owner can:

a. Upgrade their subscription to include more users,
b. Recommend that certain users purchase their own subscription,
c. Or remove members from their workspaces.

Option 2: Through an invited user’s own subscription:

If an invited user already has their own Ninox subscription, they do not need an additional license from the team owner’s subscription.

- The same applies to users who are active in multiple workspaces – their own subscription covers all their workspaces.


- Trial Users are not considered paying subscribers. If they are invited to other workspaces, they must be covered by the owner’s subscription.

- Multiple workspaces: The same members in different workspaces are only counted once.

- License overview: The team owner can check which members are covered by their subscription at any time under "Ninox Settings" → "Users".

How is the price of additional licences calculated?

When adding licences to your current subscription, we require you to re-book all subscriptions for 12 months. This way, all licences end at the same time.

The remaining time from the previous subscription that has already been paid for will be offset against the new subscription.

How can I upgrade my subscription from Starter to Professional?

Log in to the Ninox software and click on your profile picture in the top right-hand corner. Select Ninox settings and then the Subscriptions tab on the left.

Select the Professional tab and enter additional licences if necessary. Leave the input field for additionally required licences empty if the number of licences does not change.

You will be redirected to our partner und merchant of record Verifone/2checkout. All Professional features and options are then available to you.

What is the difference between a member and a contributor?

Different users can work together in a team. We have two user types for this:

- Members and
- Contributors

Licences for members are paid for by the team owner, while contributors pay for their own subscription. This distinction helps you to manage your subscription and the required licences.

Questions about Modules (Ninox CRM)

What is Ninox CRM and what advantages does it offer my company?

Ninox CRM is a user-friendly platform for managing your customer relationships. It helps you to store and utilise all important information centrally. With Ninox CRM, you can organise sales, marketing and customer service processes more efficiently as all customer data is bundled in one place.

The software is flexible and customisable, so it adapts to your specific business needs. This saves you time, improves team collaboration and strengthens the relationship with your customers.

Read more about Ninox CRM on our product page.

Was ist Ninox HR und welche Vorteile bietet es meinem Unternehmen? NOO

Ninox HR is a powerful software solution for personnel management that helps you digitize and optimize your HR processes. With Ninox HR, you can manage employee data, vacation requests, documents, and more in one central location.

The platform adapts to your processes and makes HR management easier by automating routine tasks and improving team efficiency. This saves you time, reduces administrative work and focuses more on your employees.

Read more about Ninox HR on our Product page.

Is Ninox CRM automatically included in my Ninox account?

The prerequisite for using Ninox CRM is a subscription to an Enterprise price plan.

However, the module is not automatically included in this plan.

If you are interested in Ninox CRM, please speak to a sales consultant. To book an appointment, please click here.

How does the implementation and onboarding for Ninox CRM work?

To use Ninox CRM, please contact a Ninox consultant using our form.

Together, we can set up the software to suit your needs. Ninox offers extensive import functions so that you can transfer your data to Ninox CRM with just a few clicks.

Gibt es spezielle Rabatte für Ninox HR? NOO

We offer a special release discount for Ninox HR: Until December 31, 2024, you only pay 4.80€ per user and month instead of 8€ (as an annual subscription). However, this offer is only valid for the first 12 months. After that, you pay the regular €8 per user and month.

Technical questions

What are the system requirements for Ninox?

Ninox works on many mobile devices as well as on Mac and Windows. If you work in a browser, you do not need any special requirements to do so. Ninox runs in all modern, up-to-date browser.

System requirements for Android:

- Android version 11 or higher

System requirements for iPhone:

- All models from Phone SE, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7S, 7S Plus, 8, 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR
- iOS-Version 13.0 or newer

System requirements for iPad:

- All models from iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad Pro
- iPadOS 13.0 or newer

System requirements for Mac:

- Free hard disc space required: 50MB
- RAM: 4GB
- MacOS version 11.0 or newer

Is there an API for integration with other applications?

Ninox offers a comprehensive API that allows you to seamlessly integrate your existing applications with our platform. With the API, you can synchronise data between Ninox and other software solutions, automate workflows and implement your individual business requirements. This facilitates the integration of Ninox into your existing IT infrastructure and ensures that you can get the most out of your applications.

Our Ninox API is based on the proven HTTP/REST protocol and uses the JSON format for data exchange.

How can I import data from other systems into Ninox?

Ninox allows you to easily import data from all common CSV formats. The import wizard guides you through the process step by step and offers you flexible mapping options to assign the imported data to existing tables or create new tables. This allows you to efficiently integrate your data into Ninox and seamlessly continue your workflows.

How secure is my data at Ninox?

The security of your data is a top priority at Ninox. Our platform is certified to the international standard ISO 27001, which means that we adhere to strict security standards to protect your data.

We use modern encryption technologies for both the transmission and storage of your data. We also operate our servers in highly secure data centres that meet the strict requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Regular security checks and audits ensure that your data is safe with us.

Isthere a mobile app from Ninox?

Ninox is available for iPads, iPhones and Android devices.

Which languages does Ninox support?

Ninox is available in many different languages:
- English
- German
- French
- Italian
- Spanish
- Catalan
- Polish
- Russian
- Simplified and Traditional Chinese

Can I also use Ninox offline?

Ninox has an offline function that allows you to work in your database without the Internet. As soon as you are online again, the data is synchronised.

However, it is important that you log in before you have no internet connection, as otherwise there may be problems with the login process.

Want to know more about Ninox and our features?

Book your non-binding consultation with our experts now and digitalize your business with Ninox.

Book an appointment now