Energy & supply
Efficient project management in the crafts sector

Craftsman software or in-house development? At BSH, the answer is both. One is for invoicing, accounting, etc, and the other for the complex control and management of numerous construction projects. For a long time, the latter was mapped with Excel. Now, BSH relies on Ninox.
Customer profile
BSH GmbH & Co. KG is a specialist company for photovoltaic systems, based in Bad Königshofen. With around 80 employees, the company offers a complete service, from consulting and planning to financing, insurance, and registration, from construction to commissioning and maintenance of the system. In 16 years of business, BSH has completed more than 3500 projects of all sizes throughout Germany.
Rigid software requires additional tools
Detailed planning is the backbone of reliable project handling. Unfortunately, BSH was unable to find an industry solution that provided a meaningful overview of orders and project statuses. Therefore, in addition to craftsman software, Excel spreadsheets were used in which all relevant information on ongoing projects was entered. At some point, these spreadsheets were bursting at the seams, becoming increasingly confusing, and could not be edited by several people at the same time. These restrictions made project management that much more difficult. That's when BSH got a decisive suggestion from its web agency: Ninox.
Perfect project overviews with the Ninox solution
Web agency Brandmediale GmbH also helped with the implementation of the solution. Once the basic framework with tables and forms was in place, the existing Excel data was transferred to Ninox in a single day and linked with further master data on customers, employees and energy suppliers. This meant that all the information on each project was stored centrally and could now be accessed and edited by those responsible at any time, anywhere. Everyone involved has the same, up-to-date data. The Ninox solution is regularly used at BSH by 10 to 15 employees from sales, technology, and administration. User-defined views ensure that everyone can immediately see the data that is relevant to them and their department.
Key Features
- Project management
- Building authorities
- Process mapping
While working with extensive Excel tables was once considered a necessary evil due to the lack of alternatives, the switch to Ninox brought an enormous gain in comfort, efficiency and motivation. The effort required for data maintenance is now significantly lower, with the benefits incomparably higher. These successes quickly led to more ideas and goals for the future. For example, Ninox now ensures that no company birthdays are forgotten. Special statistics are created for the management team, intended only for them and guaranteed by the rights management. The only ongoing project is closer integration with the tradesmen's software used in parallel. However, this has so far failed due to lack of API support. BSH is therefore considering mapping further processes with Ninox in the future.