Product Release

Why you should stop making compromises with your CRM

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Sooner or later, every company realizes that they need a professional CRM in order to be able to scale. After the first step has been taken and you have recognized that things should go in a digitalized, more efficient direction from now on, things get tricky: What kind of customer management solution should it be? Do you want to develop them yourself or buy an existing system? But why choose between the two options when there is another option?

We all know: Companies can hardly avoid a CRM if they want to continue to grow. Experts also recommend that small or young companies set up such a customer management platform. Read below why you shouldn't make any compromises when choosing your CRM software.

Many good reasons for a CRM

A customer care tool provides a comprehensive overview of many processes in your company. It helps you automate processes and centralize data. Instead of thousands of Excel spreadsheets, you create a large customer database in which every sales representative has an overview of all processes. But managing directors or department heads can also see live the status of various customers and projects.

Gehen Sie keine Kompromisse ein, wenn es um ein gutes CRM geht.
Don't make compromises when it comes to a good CRM.

But not only can customer data be managed in such a system; invoices, orders and products can also be managed with it. In the best case scenario, in addition to sales, other departments will access the software in order to really be able to take full advantage of it. The marketing department can use the data to create more targeted campaigns and connect prospects with the CRM, which in turn is accessed by sales. Customer Support also works with the software on a daily basis and logs every interaction with the customer.

Since all processes are recorded, you can draw conclusions from this data and make number-based decisions. The result: You keep improving your service and making departments more efficient.

But that can only work if you have also selected the CRM that best suits your company. Otherwise, the exact opposite may happen. If software does not adapt to the company or workflow, processes can become more inefficient and therefore more expensive. You and your employees create secret Excel spreadsheets because not all required functions are covered in CRM. And that's just the beginning of the chaos.

Make or buy? Or something in between?

If you decide to introduce a new customer management solution, are you spoiled for choice: buy an existing system or develop a CRM yourself? Both variants have advantages and disadvantages.

Develop your own software, you can customize it to your liking. However, such a project is not implemented so quickly. And every additional week that your developers spend with CRM and not other projects costs you money. If you need more IT expertise in the company, that can also be difficult. Good IT experts are hard to find these days.

Selbst eine Software für die Kundenpflege zu entwickeln, kostet Sie Zeit.
Developing software for customer care yourself costs you time.

In comparison, you would save time and money if you opt for standard software. Your developers can focus on other tasks and the CRM is implemented within a very short time. You can choose from hundreds of providers with various functions. Here, too, some time passes — after all, you have to test the software extensively. However, you quickly notice that not all steps of your company's value chain can be mapped and that the functions offered do not really fit. You often have to create small workarounds or fall back on Excel lists.

Develop or buy yourself: Both options therefore always mean a compromise in the end. But you don't even have to go into it — because there is a middle ground.

Next generation CRM: The future is the middle ground

Without CRM, there are many challenges: for example, customer inquiries are forgotten, employees call interested parties twice, or you have to ask the team several times what the status of an order is. Everything costs time and soon money. Developing new software or buying one means making compromises. So what is the solution now?

It's very simple: Try a mix of both worlds. The middle ground is called low code. With a low-code platform, you can easily build the exact solution you really need. Because of the simple modular principle, you don't need a large IT department to create a solution for your needs.

But low code also has its limits. Typically, you start from zero — with an empty database. But so that you can get started right away, we've developed a new product based on the Ninox low-code platform. We present our Next Generation CRM to you: Ninox CRM.

Ninox CRM combines the power and benefits of low-code technology with a pre-built CRM module that already contains all standard tables with which you can start a more efficient future. The highlight: Ninox CRM can be completely individualized and is therefore suitable for every industry and every company. No matter how specific your process is, you can map it with Ninox CRM.

With Ninox CRM, you don't make any compromises. Our solution is tailored to your needs.

Features that go far beyond the sales process

Other customer management solutions only cover the process up to the completed order. However, Ninox CRM goes further. Send not only offers with our software, but also invoices from the platform at the push of a button. These documents and other information are stored in the customer file in real time. If you have access to which data, you can easily set them up in our extensive user rights management system.

With the clear dashboard, you can see all relevant key figures at a glance. With one click, you can access the detailed view from here and react quickly to changes. Is the budget set too high? How many open offers are there? In which month did you complete the most assignments? This and more can be seen in just a few seconds.

Eine Kundenmanagement-Lösung, die perfekt auf Sie zugeschnitten ist, kann Ihnen zu mehr Effizienz verhelfen.
A customer management solution that is perfectly tailored to you can help you be more efficient.

Ninox CRM is your starting point. What you make of it is up to you. For example, you can integrate an employee management system including appointment management. Do you need strong warehouse management including incoming and outgoing goods? That is also easily possible. In no time and with little effort, you can turn NINOX CRM into your perfect CRM.

We're convinced that you shouldn't make compromises with your CRM. For this reason, with Ninox CRM, we provide you with a tool that not only adapts to your needs, but also grows with your success.

Learn more about Ninox CRM

Would you like to find out more about our customer management solution? In our recorded webinar about Ninox CRM we have explained all the features and benefits of our module in detail.

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