Best Practice

Tips for choosing the right database software for your company

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Tailored database software enables companies to efficiently manage their data, ensure data integrity, and make well-founded decisions.

In this blog post, you will learn how to create custom database software for your company and the benefits of this.

What is database software?

Database software, or database management system (DBMS), is specialized software that allows you to create, manage, and query databases. It organizes, stores and manages structured data digitally.

Why do companies need database software?

Companies need database software to keep their data to organize efficiently. This improves decision-making, automates and digitizes business processes, facilitates collaboration and secures sensitive data.

Fröhliche Frau am Computer in einem Büro, vermutlich verwendet sie Datenbank-Software für Unternehmen.
Database software for companies can make your processes much more efficient.

Special areas of application of databases include customer relationship management (CRM) or ERP systems. In addition to customer and product data, a database can also be used to Managing projects or Digitize personnel files.

Database software is always used where information needs to be centralized and digitized.

Challenges with inefficient database software

There is simply no solution that works for all companies. Different industries have different needs, making the search for suitable database software a real challenge.

Companies that rely on inefficient database software face a variety of challenges. This includes:

  • Lack of efficiency: Outdated or inadequate database solutions can be time-consuming and prone to errors, affecting the efficiency of business processes.
  • Data integrity: Inadequate database software can lead to data inconsistencies, which affects the quality of the data and therefore the decision-making process.
  • Lack of support when making decisions: Without a robust database solution, companies often lack the information needed to make informed business decisions.
  • Data loss: Inadequate data backup mechanisms can result in data loss, which can have serious consequences for the company.
  • Inefficient processes: Outdated database software results in inefficient business processes that affect business productivity and profitability.
  • Lack of data security: Insecure database solutions endanger sensitive corporate data and expose the company to an increased risk of data breaches.

Team von Mitarbeitern in einer lebhaften Büroumgebung, arbeiten an Computern, möglicherweise mit einer Unternehmen Datenbank.
Before you introduce a database in your company, you should advise on which processes should really be digitized and automated.

Benefits of customized database software for companies

Tailored database software offers companies a variety of advantages. Through their Flexibility and adaptability It helps companies to optimize their business processes and increase their efficiency.

Tailored database solutions enable seamless integration into existing business systems and at the same time offer a high level of scalability to meet growing requirements.

With the option to define roles and rights for users, tailor-made database software solutions offer a high level of data security and control. In addition, they are characterized by their adaptability , which enables companies to tailor the software exactly to their specific requirements and industry needs.

Geschäftsmann analysiert Daten auf einem Computerbildschirm, wahrscheinlich verwendet er eine Datenbank für Unternehmen.
A database can optimize your company and all of your processes.

Overview of the benefits of customized database software:

  • Flexibility and adaptability for different company sizes
  • Seamless integration with existing business systems
  • Scalability to meet growing needs
  • Control over roles and rights to increase data security
  • Adaptability to specific business requirements and industry needs

More flexibility with a low-code platform

By using a low-code platform like Ninox, companies have more flexibility to develop tailored solutions. Ninox can be easily integrated into existing systems, regardless of company size or industry. The adaptability of Ninox enables companies to tailor the software precisely to their specific needs and business processes.

Die Biofisch GmbH, a Viennese company for freshly caught fish products, replaced manual Excel lists with a tailor-made Ninox solution, for example. The software adapts precisely to operational processes, optimizes order processing and warehouse management.

With functions such as CRM, inventory management and order processing, Biofisch saves time and money. The flexibility of the software, which adapts to individual needs and enables future growth, was decisive. This digitization of processes not only creates efficiency, but also forms the basis for further company growth.

A database like Ninox can support your business

5 tips for introducing database software

Introducing new database software in a company can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to make the process smoother:

1. Involve your employees

Make sure employees are involved in the implementation process and receive training to use the new software effectively. Give employees a say in the change process and enable them to get to know the software through a demo version before it is put into operation.

2. Implement the new software successively

Implement the new database software gradually within the company to minimize business disruptions and ensure that all employees have enough time to get used to the new technology.

Plan resources realistically, pay attention to change management, and set clear priorities.

Team in einer Besprechung mit einem Whiteboard im Hintergrund, lacht und diskutiert möglicherweise über eine Datenbank für Unternehmen.
Before you launch your database for companies, you need a good strategy.

3. Conduct regular training

Provide regular training and support for your employees to ensure they get the most out of the software and become familiar with the features. Assist employees with contacts to help with questions or challenges.

4. Get feedback from employees and stakeholders

Organize regular feedback sessions where employees and stakeholders can share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas for improvement. Make changes during the test phase to incorporate feedback directly.

5. Create a supportive environment for change

Communicate openly about the reasons for introducing the new database software and highlight the benefits for the company and employees.

Encourage an open exchange of concerns and fears associated with change and understand the skepticism of your employees. Reward progress and performance in using the new software to encourage motivation and acceptance.

Conclusion: Don't settle for the standard

Tailored database software enables efficient data management and well-founded decision-making for your company. Implementation is smoother by involving employees, step-by-step implementation, training, feedback, and creating a supportive environment.

Don't opt for standard solutions, choose software that meets your specific requirements.

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