Retail & consumer goods

Revolutionising a pet store with Ninox

Pet Revolution was drowning in order overload, with too many spreadsheets to keep track. Team members were losing track of data in an unsustainable system. They needed a whole new way of working, which is when they turned to Ninox.


hours saved





Customer profile

As an ecommerce company selling pet-related products, managing orders is the bread and butter of Pet Revolution. They sell via Shopify and Etsy and used to manage order tickets manually via spreadsheets as part of their workflow.


Not enough hours in the day

The team at Pet Revolution entered all the information to do with orders into spreadsheets for processing. For some products, that can mean a variety of information, such as different variations and fabric choices. Once tasks were completed, these spreadsheets were deleted, meaning no data was being tracked or recorded. Orders from both Shopify and Etsy were managed this way and it was becoming increasingly time-consuming for employees. They needed a simpler solution.


All-in-one solution

After a month of working with Ninox, Pet Revolution was able to create a single, centralised solution that integrates with Shopify, Etsy, and Shiptation. All orders could be managed from one solution, streamlining the workflow of the entire company. Custom views allowed team members to manage order workflows seamlessly.

What's more, shipping labels and inventory levels are automatically adjusted as orders come in. There are also custom buttons for generating and printing tickets, as well as the ability to manage multiple suppliers with associated products. All in all, admin for team members is cut down dramatically, leaving far less margin for error.

Key Features
  • Order management
  • Inventory management
  • Delivery status


With everything in one system, Pet Revolution experiences far fewer errors now and enjoys better efficiency. Less time is spent on admin tasks, dropping from over five hours a day to just two. In a month, a minimum of 110 hours is saved. Not only is the inventory process streamlined, but the customer database and the ticket generation process ae also automated.

In addition, stepping away from spreadsheets means that data can be saved and metrics can be tracked. With these insights, Pet Revolution can make smarter business decisions for the business moving forward.

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