Computers & Technology

Ninox fosters healthy growth in the IT sector

Success comes at a price. More customers and more orders inevitably mean more administrative work. That's why SVA System Vetrieb Alexander GmbH decided to make their contract management processes more efficient by mapping them with Ninox.







Customer profile

SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH is one of Germany's leading system integrators in the field of data centre infrastructure. The company, headquartered in Wiesbaden, was founded in 1997 and employs more than 1600 people across 23 locations nationwide.

Leading trade media have repeatedly named SVA as the Best System Integrator and the best IT Service Provider for SMEs in 2020.


With growth comes the need for scalable solutions

SVA has grown steadily over the years. After the introduction of 24/7 support and the ISO 27001 certification, the turnover curve rose sharply once again in 2018. However, more contracts also mean higher administrative costs. Since growth at the expense of quality was not acceptable, processes had to be made more efficient. Because the ERP software, Navision, didn't offer a module for contract management, various Excel tables were used instead. This labour-intensive solution had reached its technical and organisational limits. An alternative had to be found.


Increase in quantity and quality

With Ninox, SVA developed an individual solution that is precisely tailored to their sales processes. This significantly increases the efficiency of order processing. Incoming enquiries are processed and checked for practicality in relation to the company's skills. Once a contract is completed, it is also recorded and maintained in the system with all the important parameters and relevant documents. The responsible employees can always access up-to-date master data at any time and anywhere, as well as the history of the customer. This means they can react even faster to customer questions and requests. With various statistical evaluations on the current status of enquiries and contracts, those responsible have an overview of the whole situation at all times.

Key Features
  • Project Management
  • Post-Sale Management
  • Customer management


With Ninox, SVA now has a flexible, powerful software tool that grows with the company and can be adapted to changing circumstances at any time. Thanks to the increased efficiency, employees can now process more contracts without any additional effort. At the same time, the error rate has decreased significantly, so that the service quality has not just been maintained but actually increased. This in turn contributes to improved customer satisfaction, which is the most important factor for SVA, as the numerous awards based on customer surveys from trade press show. Based on the positive experience with Ninox, SVA already has ideas for further areas of application. For example, they are planning integration with the project management platform, Jira, and solutions are also being considered for the HR sector.

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