Best Practice

Digitisation of the real estate industry: seizing opportunities and improving data quality

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Many housing companies already have digital tenant files. However, this is where most companies in the real estate industry stop with the topic of digitization. Although holistic software solutions offer immense opportunities, the housing industry remains stuck in individual solutions.

In this article, we will therefore show you how you can solve more than just one challenge in the digital real estate world with Ninox and what unimagined potentials are offered.

Current state of digitalization in the housing industry

Surveys clearly show that the housing industry has caught up in terms of digitization in recent years. However, the development is proceeding quite slowly and the industry still shows large gaps. The most important prerequisite for successful digitization of the housing industry is that data is available digitally and that communication between management and tenants or buyers takes place electronically. At present, however, this is a reality for just 11%. However, 59% see digital and media-interruption-free networking anchored in their 5-year plan.

The biggest challenge lies in the lack of strategy. There is a lack of concepts that drive the direction for the digitization of the housing industry. The traditional industry often lacks foresight as to what added value digital transformation will bring. In addition, prefabricated solutions are not always equally suitable for all housing companies - many companies need flexible solutions that are easy to adapt.

The example of Ocean Real Estate Management shows how process optimization in real estate management works - with Ninox, the company has created a central application for real estate management, project management and documentation in which all data is managed.  The prefabricated house manufacturer Kampa has also developed its solution independently with Ninox, from the receipt of the contract to the handover of the house. After all, with a low-code platform like Ninox, there is no need to cut corners; instead, you develop your digital database entirely according to your individual wishes.

Housing industry companies are already securing important competitive advantages by digitizing their process structures. In the future, the spread between industry pioneers and traditional housing companies is expected to increase further.

The most important advantages for the digitalization of the real estate industry are the increase in efficiency in processes as well as the improvement in the quality of data. This is also confirmed by many Ninox users from the construction and real estate industries. The company was able to notice a significantly improved timeliness as well as quality of information through the mobile capture of its data in Ninox.

In addition to the external benefits, there is also unimagined potential for the internal company structure. For example, the digitization of the housing industry provides companies with improved planning and it strengthens knowledge management within the organization. This minimizes errors, which ultimately frees up resources for other projects.

Three challenges in the housing industry that you can solve efficiently with Ninox

From tenant apps to mobile tenant change processes to marketing real estate via digital channels: The potential of digitalization in the real estate industry is enormous. However, in the implementation it often becomes apparent that digital solutions are not considered holistically, but silo thinking and overcoming individual problems are in the foreground. With Ninox you solve both: Thanks to countless templates for the real estate industry you digitize processes with one click. At the same time, as a low-code platform, Ninox can be easily adapted to specific application areas.

Below we show you three challenges that you can solve directly with Ninox:

1. Digital documentation of tenant files and rental management

Tenant files belong to the largest digital application area in the housing industry. With the Contacts template, you can create a digital database of all your tenants in Ninox in just a few minutes. Enter contact data and add notes if necessary - such as reported defects, move-in date or submitted notices of termination of tenancy.

If, on the other hand, you want to digitize your list of prospective tenants, the real estate template is the ideal starting point. You enter master data, dates and notes in the mask. Submitted documents can be attached as PDF files. Best of all, you can enter and save the data during the on-site visit.

2. Efficient property rental

Printed property data sheets are still the standard in many housing companies. In addition, data is often entered into an Excel spreadsheet. However, this is not only a risky data storage, but also offers the disadvantage that offers cannot be sent directly to interested parties.

The real estate template in Ninox offers the possibility to map your properties in a central overview. Enter all relevant information such as address, room, price, equipment, floor plan, pictures as well as the type of use as apartment or commercial space into the data record. Interested parties can be linked directly to the properties, so that nothing stands in the way of efficient real estate brokerage.

Ninox Screenshot: Property Management Software

3. Seamless WEG management

The tasks of a residential property community (WEG for short) include drawing up house rules, maintenance measures, and monitoring the proper management of properties or facilities. Thus, the WEG assumes numerous tasks for the owners' association. For a legally secure and orderly agreement between all parties, digital tools are an enormous relief.

With Ninox, for example, task logs, maintenance logs as well as defect logs can be mapped digitally. This not only provides owners with a detailed overview, but also contributes to maintaining the value of the real estate at the same time. Unlike loose notes, digital documentation cannot be lost. This also means that repairs can always be implemented in good time.

Conclusion: Digitization increases the efficiency of internal processes and value retention of real estate in the housing industry

The potential that digitization brings to the housing industry is enormous - but far from exhausted. Real estate companies that already deal with holistic software solutions not only increase the efficiency of internal processes, but also contribute sustainably to the value retention of their properties. At the same time, platforms like Ninox provide a clear competitive advantage by focusing on comprehensive strategies instead of individual solutions.

Test Ninox now! See for yourself: Create a catalog of all properties and generate standardized exposés as PDFs. Manage interested parties, buyers, sellers. Arrange viewing appointments and record all agreements made - everything digitally, centrally and exactly as you really need it. Test Ninox template for real estate now.

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