
Enhanced data management in Ninox

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These new Ninox features set new standards for data management. They enable more precise control and reduce the risk of accidental data deletion.  Read about the possibilities opened up by the introduction of the creatable if and deletable if functions. These functions are available from release 3.11.

More control through conditional data management

The Ninox platform already offers detailed options for determining whether a data record can be read or changed and uses user-defined roles to regulate who can do what in the database. Now we go one step further and also enable the setting up of automatic restrictions for the creation and deletion of data records.

Avoid accidental deletion of data

The new "createble if" feature allows data records to be created only if certain criteria are met. At the same time, the "deletable if" feature ensures that deletions are only possible under certain conditions. These new functions enable more precise control and reduce the risk of accidental deletion of data. This is not only a form of access control, but also effective protection against unintentional actions.

Security and access control: the power of data management in your hands

These functions make it possible to define specific conditions under which users are allowed to create, edit or delete files, which significantly increases the security of the databases.
For example, "creatable if" could mean that a user may only create a data record if they fulfil certain criteria, such as a specific role in the company or the fulfilment of certain compliance requirements. The situation is similar with "deletable if". It specifies the conditions under which files may be deleted - here are some examples of use:

Examples of use for conditional data management

Every company has different data management requirements. These new features offer the possibility of adapting the behaviour of the database to specific needs. Creators and administrators can individually define the conditions for data management to create a customised solution.
These functions can be used in various industries to comply with compliance regulations, data protection regulations and internal security guidelines:

Example of use for compliance in the financial sector:

  • "Creatable if": an employee of a financial services provider can only create a new contract if approval has been obtained from customers and all necessary compliance checks have been completed.
  • "Deletable if": Customer data can only be deleted after a certain retention period or if there is a legally valid reason for deletion.

Example of data protection in a clinic:

  • "Creatable if": patient data in an electronic health record may only be created if a declaration of consent has been obtained from the patient.
  • "Deletable if": Patient data may only be deleted under certain conditions, e.g. at the patient's request or after the statutory retention periods have expired.

Project management and documentation in the construction industry:

  • "Creatable if": A site manager can only create a work order in the system if he has previously carried out a safety check of the site and it has been classified as safe.
  • "Deletable if": The data of a construction project may only be deleted after the project has been completed and all legal retention obligations have been fulfilled. This is important for any warranty claims or historical evidence.

In all these cases, important project or customer-related data is prevented from being accidentally deleted. Automating certain aspects of the process also ensures that cascading workflows are triggered correctly.

Reduce data redundancy: efficiency through control

Precise control over when records can be created and deleted leads to a significant reduction in data redundancy. Unnecessary or duplicate data records are avoided, making data more streamlined and efficient.

GDPR compliance: a secure future for your data

With the introduction of the "creatable if" and "deletable if" features, we are giving Ninox users more options for managing their data in a compliant manner. The conditions for creation and deletion provide granular control to fulfil compliance and GDPR requirements.

Conditional data management in Ninox:  control, efficiency and compliance

With the introduction of advanced data management, we are setting new standards for control over data. Fewer errors, greater security, customisable adaptability and regulatory compliance - these are the pillars on which the future of data management in Ninox is built. Join us in creating a data landscape that is accurate, secure and efficient!

Find out more about all the new features of Ninox 3.11 in the blog post: Release 3.11 - What's new

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