Best Practice

How order management software increases your operational efficiency


Efficient processes mean not only cost savings, but also faster and more reliable service to customers. Without automated solutions, companies must spend tons of time and resources processing orders. Order management software, which serves as a tool to improve operational efficiency, therefore plays an important role.

In this article, you will learn what order management software is and where it significantly optimizes the efficiency of your processes.

Order management software (also: Order Management System, OMS) covers the entire administration and control of order processing. The software contains information about inventory, sales and customer data.

The process is supported by the software, from offer to order confirmation to invoicing. Order management software is used in various industries. The aim of an OMS is to process an order in accordance with customer needs and deliver the goods or services on time.

Ein Lagerarbeiter bewegt eine Palette mit Kartons in einem Lagerhaus. Auftragsmanagement-Software optimiert die Lagerverwaltung und erleichtert die Nachverfolgung von Bestellungen.
Order management software streamlines inventory management and makes it easier to track orders.

Core functions of an order management system

Order software helps automate processes and covers the following functions:

  • Incoming orders: Automatic recording of orders from various channels (online shop, telephone, e-mail).
  • Checking orders: Ensuring that all necessary data and inventory is available.
  • Order confirmation: Automatic confirmation to the customer that their order has been received.
  • Dispatch confirmation: Information to the customer when the order has been shipped.
  • Order processing: Efficient management of orders through all necessary steps.
  • Order and inventory management: Real-time overview of inventory and orders.
  • Invoicing: Automatic creation and sending of invoices.
  • Customer communication: Centralized management of all customer contacts and information.
  • Sales automation: Supporting sales by automating routine tasks.
  • Reporting: Preparation of detailed reports to analyze and optimize business processes.

Thanks to these comprehensive functions, order management software can map the following systems in one fell swoop, depending on the design and range of functions:

  • Inventory management
  • CRM (customer relationship management)
  • ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • accountancy
  • production planning
  • payroll
Zwei Café-Mitarbeiter besprechen etwas am Laptop. Auftrags-Software hilft ihnen, Bestellungen effizient zu verwalten und den Kundenservice zu verbessern.
Order software helps them manage orders efficiently and improve customer service.

How does order management software affect operational efficiency?

Order management software ensures efficient and fast order processing. The entire fulfillment process can be managed and mapped centrally. Every affected department has access to the system, which simplifies collaboration and enables consistent customer communication.

By using order management software, you benefit from the following benefits:

Improving data accessibility and accuracy

Inventory of products or services is precisely recorded in order management software. Automated processes ensure that inventory is always up to date and updated with every new order.

Automated supply chain management ensures that minor inventories are replenished directly. Deliveries and incoming goods can also be monitored in real time. This makes it easier to intervene quickly in the process should something not meet the norm. Missing goods or late deliveries as well as angry customers can therefore be avoided.

Increasing productivity through automation

Use order management software to save valuable working time and resources. Let's take a look at an example:

You run an online shop for workwear. When a customer places an order in your shop, it automatically flows into your OMS. When the confirmation arrives, the inventory is checked in the background, all customer and order data is recorded and the customer automatically receives an order confirmation by email.

The order is now transferred to logistics. If all products in the order have been picked, the package must be packed. Because the order management software has recorded all customer data, the shipping label can be created automatically. The invoice is also generated automatically and, in the event of a complaint, all necessary data is available for customer support.

By automating these processes, manual intervention is minimized and the error rate is reduced. This results in faster processing of orders and higher employee productivity.

Optimizing customer relationships

Downstream departments such as customer service have insight into the entire ordering process of the respective customer through order management software. Order management systems usually include an integrated Customer relationship management, which contains all important data about the respective customers and their ordering processes.

Ein Mann mit Headset spricht vor einem Laptop. Auftragsmanagement-Software unterstützt den Kundenservice und verbessert die Kommunikation im Team.
Order management software also helps customer support with comprehensive support for your customers.

If a customer support employee receives a request, the digital documentation allows them to understand exactly where difficulties have arisen in the process. The information also helps to verify or refute the customer's complaint. With an OMS, the customer is therefore clearly at the center of attention. The system helps to make the customer experience seamless, from order management to logistics.

A practical example: A customer complains about a late delivery. The customer service representative can immediately check the system when the order was received, processed and shipped. In this way, delays can be traced and appropriate measures can be taken to improve them. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and strengthens customer loyalty.

Saving costs and resources

If you want to implement orders on time and qualitatively, you need both personnel and material resources. Order management software not only has an integrated CRM, but also a Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

It manages all warehouse and inventory levels and thus ensures that processes run seamlessly. It automatically forwards the tasks to the right team so that the order can be processed efficiently.

By automating and optimizing processes, companies can save significant costs. One example: Precise inventory management can avoid excess inventory and reduce inventory costs. At the same time, the risk of stock shortages is minimized, which leads to higher delivery reliability.

Conclusion: Order management software as the key to increasing efficiency

Order management software offers a variety of benefits that have a positive impact on operational efficiency. It improves data accessibility and accuracy, increases productivity through automation, optimizes customer relationships, and saves costs and resources. By centralizing and automating the entire fulfillment process, it enables companies to process their orders efficiently and in a customer-oriented manner.

In the future, the importance of order systems will steadily increase as companies continue to look for ways to optimize their processes and remain competitive in times of digitalization.

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