Product Release

Why you should connect your phone to your CRM


A customer is calling!

Do  you know that feeling of panic when the phone rings? The moment a customer calls, you are faced with a huge challenge: Where can I quickly find the latest offer? What are the latest appointments? Has the project been completed and the bill paid? Answering such questions efficiently under time pressure requires not only tact, but also efficient organisation. This is where the invaluable value of advanced CRM software comes into its own, not only helping to keep you calm and in control, but also putting all the information you need at your fingertips.

An asset for your company: Softphone integration

Making calls directly from your computer is more convenient than picking up the phone. A softphone makes this possible.

A softphone is a software application installed on computers, laptops, or mobile devices that allows you to make phone calls using Voice over IP (VoIP).

Telephone contact with customers and business partners becomes more efficient when the IP phone system is linked to the customer database or CRM solution: Customer service representatives can work faster and improve service quality when they have the appropriate customer record in front of the CRM during the call.

A CRM system is much more than just a collection of contact data. It simplifies all customer-related tasks and automates sales processes. This minimizes the error rate and enables salespeople to focus on their core tasks without spending unnecessary amount of time between software applications.

CRM unleashes its full potential when integrated with other tools, such as softphone integration. It is therefore essential to connect your telephony system to your CRM. The integration of both solutions greatly simplifies call handling and overall customer communication. Among other things, it enables you to:

  • Recognize callers instantly: Your employees know immediately who is calling and can view the customer records before they pick up the phone.
  • Save time: No spelling outnames, no gaps in information.
  • Increase customer satisfaction: Faster processing of inquiries and resolution of problems, as customer data is always at hand.

Example: Ninox CRM 3CX integration

Ninox CRM supports seamless integration with softphone technology from 3CX, one of the leading telephone systems for businesses.

Ninox CRM users benefit from a convenient call management, which increases productivity and optimizes workflows: Softphone integration with Ninox CRM enables automatic caller identification. When calls come in, relevant customer information is immediately displayed, which helps users quickly understand the current status of the respective business relationship to inform.

Ninox CRM: An overview of the entire customer file when calling
Ninox CRM: An overview of the entire customer file when calling

Direct access to customer data during the conversation leads to personalized communication and improves customer relationships.

The details of the conversation are logged in CRM, with the option to create follow-up tasks and notes during or after the call. This integration not only combines CRM usage with sales activities, but also optimizes the entire communication process within the company.

Screenshot - Logging activities in Ninox: customer call, offer, invoice recived etc
Logging activities in Ninox CRM

More efficient processes and improved customer management

A CRM, which centrally documents every customer contact, enables a central organization of customer data and helps to optimize processes.

By not having to switch between different systems to answer telephone customer inquiries and process customer data, offers, orders and invoices, companies increase their efficiency. That's why Ninox CRM is the solution of choice for medium-sized companies.

With Ninox CRM, you get a preconfigured solution for acquiring, supporting and retaining customers as well as for downstream processes in internal sales and finance. And thanks to low-code and relevant interfaces, it can be easily adapted to your individual needs.

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