Efficient social management with Ninox

In social institutions, a considerable amount of the work day is spent on bureaucratic processes. The process are often very specific and so cannot be adequately mapped with regular software. That's why the Wilfried-Jeurink Foundation developed its own solution with Ninox.
Customer profile
The Wilfried-Jeurink Foundation is a non-profit service provider for people with disabilities, located in the county of Grafschaft Bentheim. Alongside its subsidiary Grafschafter Inklusions Gesellschaft gGmbH, they offer their clients individual assistance and housing, as well as inclusive work and employment opportunities. Currently, around 50 part-time and full-time employees look after roughly 100 clients.
Standardised software for individual processes
In the field of social services, almost all activities of the employees have to be documented. Although there are industry solutions for social institutions, none of them fully supports all work areas and the often highly specific processes. For the areas of "Accommodation and Participation", a well-known industry software was used and everything else was mapped with Office documents. However, those responsible wanted a centralised solution that offered a uniform user interface and could be adapted to the dynamic processes. In the search for a cost-effective, flexible alternative to the Office suite, they came across Ninox.

A demand-oriented solution for social management
Supported by the company PariData from Bremen, an individual solution was developed within a few weeks at the Wilfried-Jeurink Foundation with Ninox, which already maps all important core processes of everyday work. From master data management for clients, carers, doctors, and cost units to action plans and documentation with reports and protocols, all information is stored in the central database. It can be accessed and, if necessary, updated at any time by all those involved with the appropriate authorisation. The cloud-based solution is currently used by the staff on various stationary PCs. The test operation was successful and is about to be completed. There are already concrete ideas for expanding the range of functions.
Key Features
- Social economy
- Social management
- Documentation
Those responsible at the Wilfried-Jeurink Foundation had high expectations of their solution. It should facilitate daily work, combine all important functions under one user-friendly interface, and put an end to the cumbersome use of various software tools and individual files. In addition, it should be possible to develop the solution further and adapt it to changed tasks and processes without having to rely on external developers. In short, the aim was to manage the extensive administrative and documentation activities much more efficiently in order to have more time for the actual work with the clients. Ninox has already fully met these expectations - and even opened up new perspectives. Further functions and integrations are in planning.