Energy & supply

Management of an energy cooperative

Citizen-initiated energy cooperatives make important contributions to energy transitions. Much of the administrative work is done on a voluntary basis. The "BürgerEnergie Rhein-Sieg eG" therefore developed its own management solution with Ninox, saving a lot of time.



90 %

less paper

50 %

more efficient

Customer profile

"BürgerEnergie Rhein-Sieg eG" was founded in Siegburg in 2011. In addition to citizens, its members include several municipalities as well as various associations and institutions in the region. The cooperative plans, builds, and operates plants for the use of renewable energies and, in the future, will also supply heat. The energy generated is marketed by the cooperative itself.


High workload due to various tasks

The administration of acooperative like "BürgerEnergie Rhein-Sieg" is very time-consuming.Members, plants, contracts, and invoices have to be managed, shares anddividend payments calculated, tax certificates issued, and projects developed.In addition, the work of the executive bodies must be coordinated and care mustbe taken to ensure that the invitations to supervisory board meetings orgeneral meetings, the monitoring of resolutions, and the taking of minutes allcomply with the law. 

All this posesa great challenge to the voluntary board in terms of time and organisation.Therefore, an efficient software solution had to be found.


Huge amounts of time saved with low-code solution

The diversity and individuality of the tasks quickly made it clear that standard software was out of the question. Therefore, the decision was made in favour of an in-house development with Ninox. It covers all important areas from master data management of members, assets and projects with direct allocation of accounts, contracts and correspondence to the organisation of meetings with legally compliant documentation of decision-making processes.

The CRM functionality ensures transparency in the activities of those involved in the project and provides important insights into the use of the energy and car-sharing offers. All important data can be accessed at the touch of a button, even while on-site appointments at construction sites. The data helps the Executive Board to evaluate current projects and to plan new ones.

Key Features
  • Contact management
  • Project management
  • Documentation


The time spent developing the Ninox solution quickly paid off for the board of "BürgerEnergie Rhein-Sieg". The diverse tasks can now be managed much more efficiently and the risk of overload and resulting errors has been significantly reduced. At the same time, the reliability and availability of the data have greatly increased. Whether it's an office, home office, or on-site appointment, thanks to central storage, all information can be accessed, updated and supplemented at any time, from anywhere. With Ninox, the cooperative is well-positioned for the future. The transparency and efficiency of the solution take the stress out of the numerous tasks and make it easier for potential successors to the honorary board of directors.

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