Best Practice

Digitize processes: advantages, procedures and tips

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Digitalized processes can no longer be stopped in the world of work. Companies that still rely on paperwork instead of digital databases will lose touch sooner or later.

We'll show you how to digitize your processes, why process digitization is so important and what the most important benefits are.

What is digitization?

Digitalization is the process by which documents, data, and other media are converted into digital files to be stored on a computer or in a database. In a corporate context, however, the term digitization is also understood in connection with the optimization of digitized processes or business processes.

Possible areas of application are:

  • Document management
  • Human resource management
  • Reporting
  • Procurement processes
  • Order processing
  • Customer service
  • Project management

Digital data and digitized processes help to carry out business processes more efficiently and in a more targeted manner. Due to the far-reaching restructuring resulting from digitization in the economy, there is often talk of Industry 4.0.

Why is it important to digitize processes?

It can take up to a week for a letter to reach the recipient. An email, on the other hand, ends up in the contact person's inbox within seconds. Digital data not only offers the advantage that it can be transmitted much faster, it also creates resources for other tasks.

Digitizing processes in companies is important in order to:

  • to make processes faster and more efficient
  • to reduce costs and
  • to remain competitive.

Companies that have not yet started digitizing their processes today will lose their competitive advantage. Imagine a company doesn't own a website, isn't available via email support, or doesn't deliver inspiring content on social media. It is only a matter of time before customers migrate to the competition. Quite apart from the fact that even modern analyses are hardly possible anymore without a digital data basis.

Digitalisierte Prozesse können Ihnen enorme Vorteile verschaffen.
Digitized processes can give you enormous advantages.

The drawbacks of manual processes

Probably the simplest example of showing the efficiency of digitized processes compared to manual processes is invoicing. While invoices were sent primarily by letter just a few years ago, the process is now digital almost everywhere.

Manual invoicing is not only much more time-consuming, but also more expensive if you don't digitize processes. With accounting software, invoices can now be received, checked and paid out completely automatically. This not only eliminates the postage for sending invoices, but also the office worker's working time. Instead of dealing with administrative tasks, this leaves more time for strategic tasks.

Another disadvantage that manual processes have is that lack of transparency and traceability — whether in document management, production or other business processes. While the receipt of an email is quickly checked, a letter can be physically lost. Digital transparency provides clarity not only internally but also for external customer relationships.

Even when it comes to personnel management, analog processes can be a disadvantage. Just In the younger generation, digital structures are required.

Manual processes that you don't digitize are also extremely difficult to automate. In the modern sense, there is simply a lack of flexibility. Companies that continue to rely on file folders can do not react agilely to challenges.

Challenges in digitizing business processes

Establishing digitized processes also means investing in the right technology. However, restructuring also poses a number of challenges for companies.

These relate in particular to the three levels:

  • regulatory challenges,
  • safety concerns, and
  • lack of internal company resources.

Data protection and industry standards represent an enormous obstacle for companies to digitize processes. Anyone who does not rely on data protection-compliant software risks losing warnings and the trust of their own customers. This is accompanied by security concerns, which primarily concern sensitive and personal data when you digitize processes. The high IT security requirements represent a major challenge, especially for smaller companies. Last but not least, time and effort must also be taken into account. Building a secure IT infrastructure requires internal resources.

Geschäftsprozesse zu digitalisieren, ist besonders zu Beginn nicht leicht. Es gibt einige Hürden, bis Sie die Vorteile genießen können.
Digitizing business processes is not easy, especially at the beginning. There are a few hurdles before you can enjoy the benefits.

What are the benefits of digitized processes?

The restructuring of the working world is literally forcing companies to digitize their processes. Especially during the corona pandemic, the importance of digitization has continued to grow — this is also shown by a Bitkom survey from 2021. Whether working from home or on a construction site: The digital management of processes creates advantages in every industry.

This includes:

  • Traceability of processes: Ensuring transparent and seamless monitoring of processes.
  • Crisis security of digital systems: Robust digital infrastructures offer resilience, particularly in challenging times such as the corona pandemic.
  • Ease of use through standardization: Standardised digital processes make operation and integration easier for users, regardless of location.
  • Basis for optimization through data visualization: Analyzing data makes it possible to identify optimization potential, supported by clear data visualizations.
  • Increasing efficiency: Automation and digitization lead to an overall more efficient way of working and accelerate processes through digitization.
  • Cost reduction: By minimizing manual tasks and optimizing resources, costs can be effectively reduced.
  • Increasing customer satisfaction: Faster, more precise and customer-oriented processes help to increase customer satisfaction.
  • Attractiveness for new employees: The implementation of modern working methods makes companies more attractive for new employees, particularly from Generation Z.

What you should pay attention to when digitizing processes

When digitizing business processes, the focus is on several key factors. First, she plays automation a central role. It not only streamlines repetitive tasks, but also minimizes error rates and significantly increases work productivity.

Through the seamless integration digital systems ensure an efficient flow of data between different departments, which in turn speeds up decision-making and improves collaboration.

Another crucial aspect when you rely on digitized processes is adaptability. The digitization of business processes should aim to make processes flexible in order to be able to react quickly to changes in technology and market conditions. One scalable orientation The processes are also essential. This enables companies to keep pace with their growth without overusing resources.

How the Ninox database can help

No matter which business area you want to digitize, the Ninox database will help you implement it. The best part is that you don't need any IT knowledge. Thanks to the low-code approach, even non-developers can develop solutions to digitize processes.

Ninox helps you digitize business processes.

If you don't want to start from scratch, Ninox offers you numerous templates. With just one click, you have installed the template and can start filling your database with information. The visual kit allows you to insert individual fields and adapt processes to your liking. Workflows such as approvals, invoicing or offers can be completely automated. For an even wider range of functions, the Ninox database also offers countless interfaces and integrations.

However, the privacy-compliant solution is not just a product for the modern office landscape. Even manufacturing companies such as thyssenkrupp System Engineering GmbH digitize their processes with Ninox. The high flexibility of the tool makes it possible to put together exactly the software that suits your business processes.  

Conclusion: Without digital processes, companies are no longer competitive

Digitizing business processes is no longer a yes-or-no decision. However, the question that companies still have to ask themselves is how they best proceed to digitize their processes. Low-code software makes it possible to adapt system requirements to the specific needs of the company and thus digitize individual business processes.

Without digitized processes, companies will sooner or later no longer be competitive, which is why it is time to search for the right software right now.

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