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iPads instead of clipboards

"But we've always done it that way!" This is a sentiment frequently heard when familiar procedures are questioned. For the managing director of a pest control company, this was no argument. He wanted more efficiency in his business – and chose Ninox.
Customer profile
Schädlingsbekämpfung Hoffmann is a third-generation family business in the rural district of Euskirchen. Its range of services includes emergency pest control and prevention according to the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept. Clients include private households, companies and public institutions. Managing Director Stefan Hoffmann has already appeared several times as a pest control expert on various TV programs.
Paper chaos and hodgepodge of software
Hoffmann employs several people, and an office assistant helps him manage and organize the business. Quotations and invoices were created with a solution for tradesmen, appointments were planned with calendar software, and various other data were recorded with Excel. Hoffmann and his staff drove to the customers with a clipboard on which they wrote the call-out reports by hand. This way of working was prone to errors and required considerable time. In the search for a more efficient solution that could replace the hodgepodge of software and paper, Hoffmann came across Ninox and its premium partner Magicnetworks.
Efficient processes through paperless organization
Together with Bastian Vorholt from Magicnetworks, Hoffmann developed an individual database for his business and gradually expanded it into a customized all-in-one solution. In addition to the customer master data and a list of services, it also includes further functions for quickly creating offers and invoices, scheduling and call-out planning as well as time recording and documentation. In addition, Hoffmann's Ninox solution also supports preparatory accounting. This enables incoming payments to be matched and assigned to invoices via imported account statements in a largely automated manner. Incoming and outgoing invoices are automatically sent by email to the DATEV account, where they are further processed by the tax advisor. And in the event of late payments, the dunning system takes effect.
Key Features:
- Order management
- Documentation
- Accounting
With Ninox, Schädlingsbekämpfung Hoffmann has a lean yet powerful software solution that is precisely tailored to the company's needs. The clipboard has had its day, and instead, the pest controllers travel to their call-outs with an iPad. Delivery notes and service reports are created directly on-site, the customer signs digitally and receives the document automatically by email. For documentation purposes, photos can also be taken with smartphones or tablets and assigned to the respective call-out. Lost paper documents, illegible notes and the resulting errors are a thing of the past. All processes are handled very efficiently and are largely paperless. In addition to the enormous time savings, this has also reduced postage costs to a minimum.